21st Century Archmage

Chapter 193: The Appearance Of Aidol

Chapter 192: Well Know When We Get There

Translator: Lei

Proofreader: Enigamination

“The preparations are all complete. Yaaawn…”

A certain mage who was called the Golden-Eyed Reaper on the Kalliant Continent finished issuing orders to the various corporations and companies he had nurtured on Earth. Aidal had amassed a wealth so massive that it could no longer be counted.

“Too bad I cant take my gaming console and laptop with me.”

When using dimensional transport magic, you couldnt bring any electronics. The archmage Aidal knew very well that a living body could handle the teleport, but all electronic devices would be destroyed by the waves of mana.

“Huhu, Ill treat it like a vacation, I guess.” He was only intending on going there to play around a little, so he wasnt too concerned. “Ive already seen Avatara. There should be a new movie by the time Im back.”

Aidal had a boatload of money and nothing to do. As such, he was deeply involved in the film industry and had propelled the creation of several blockbuster fantasy movies, including a series called the Liege of the Rings and a movie that had come out a few days ago called Avatara. The people of the world had no idea that all of these blockbuster fantasy movies were published and adapted into films by authors and directors Aidal had nurtured behind the scenes.

“Seriously, James Cameras directing is pretty decent.”

After watching the Avatara movie hed been waiting for, Aidal no longer had anything to do.

“Guess its time to set off.”

For the dimensional teleportation, Aidail had obtained a special-grade magic crystal. It was probably the one and only special-grade crystal on the entire earth.

Whirr, whirr.

Thanks to the special-grade magic crystal, the magic circle gathered enough fuel to have mana to spare even after using dimensional transport magic. With a contented smile on his face, Aidal strolled to the middle of the circle.

“He couldnt have seriously died, right?”

As always, his disciple Kang Hyuk always came as an afterthought. The thought that he should have sent Hyuk off after teaching him a little bit more came to mind sometimes when he was straining on the toilet.

“Huhuhu. Kallian, wait for me… Im coming.”

The mana gauge on the magic circle was perfectly filled up. Thinking of the Kallian Continent that would give him a warm(?) welcome, Aidal opened his mouth.

“Dimensional Transport!”

Woooosh. Flash!

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