the only one who could break this atmosphere.

“Thank you for coming, Lord Rodrigo.”

“No, Estiya.
You were supposed to call me Rodrigo.”

I looked up while in his arms.

You’re a good actor, aren’t you? You aren’t only in level one or two, but someone who could climb from three and four to five, heading all the way to one-hundred.

Rodrigo and I made eye contact with each other before he smiled.
It was a smile which sent a tickling sensation to my chest.

Huuh, let’s continue with it.
That’s what you’re saying?

I understood Rodrigo’s meaning in an instant.
I pushed his chest with my hands.
His jacket was all tarnished due to the fight.
So there was only one extremely thin shirt between Rodrigo and I.
Rodrigo’s heartbeat was rather fast, perhaps as the excitement from the battle still kept on his mind.


“Yes, Rodrigo.
Since you’re here, please officially greet my parents.”

I fell from his arms and held his hand.
Hela and the other Cartinas were asking silently, each holding faces as if the sky were falling.

Are you two really dating?

“Your hospitality is promising.”

Rodrigo’s words were not empty.
We were facing each other in the drawing room.
Rodrigo and I sat side by side, while Stefan and Hela sat opposite us.
As if they had forgotten the previous disturbance from earlier, Hela and Stefan called in the butler and ordered him to treat Rodrigo.

Soon after, refreshments, tea, and drinks lined up with the attendants.
A mountain of macarons were piled up on a large table, chocolate valleys were created, and various flower teas, in addition to fresh fruits were placed.

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If it weren’t for the clothes which were ruined during the battle, everything would be perfect enough for someone to believe one had attended a formal tea party.

“Once our guest stepped in, I would treat them well, even if I attempted chasing them away, Lord Rodrigo.”

Stefan treated Rodrigo politely in order to avoid getting caught.
It was a declaration that he would never stand with him.

“Let’s drink.
The tea will cool down.”

Hela offered him the tea.
She pushed the teacup towards Rodrigo and covered the top with her long sleeves.
I was sure.

Mother poisoned it.

However, Rodrigo touched the teacup, doubtless to anything.
I then realized why Rodrigo was always put in constant danger.
He was a careless man who could unhesitantly drink tea that his enemies handed him.
It won’t be easy to protect him, now that I have to watch over his movements.

I tapped Rodrigo’s foot while under the table.
Rodrigo’s head turned to me.
I smiled lightly and moved my eyebrows up and down.

There’s poison in the tea you’re trying to drink!

Rodrigo, who gently stroked my hair while in the entrance, would surely understand.

“Estiya, what is it? Do you want me to hurry and drink it?”

Rodrigo smiled brightly at my signal and reached out to the teacup.
I was in utter despair for that very moment.

You’re so tactless, man.

Rodrigo’s tea was definitely poisoned.
I wouldn’t have overreacted to him drinking the poisoned tea, if only I knew what poison he was about to drink.

I could make the antidote and feed it to him.

However, I didn’t know which poison Hela placed in the tea.
That means it would take a long time for me to find the antidote, and it was likely the detoxification would leave aftereffects.
This was the order in which Cartina’s points of extinction accumulated.
I gazed at him desperately, but Rodrigo only smiled.

“Thank you for the meal, Countess Hela.”

Rodrigo placed his mouth against the teacup.
His red lips opened.
At that moment, I rushed into Rodrigo’s side without a second thought.

“It’s been a while since we’ve been together, hasn’t it? What have you been up to?”

His hand shook.
Rodrigo moved his hand away so that the tea wouldn’t touch my body.
His eyes bent like a crescent moon.

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Rodrigo knew the teacup was poisoned.

How couldn’t he, when Estiya was this restless and nervous?

Nevertheless, he tried to drink the tea, curious as to how Estiya would react, and above all,

“E, E, Estiya.
Are you hugging him right now?”


The reaction of the Cartina family.
It was fun to witness members from the Cartina family not able to speak properly.

“Oh my! Look at me.
I was to introduce you to my parents.”

Estiya removed Rodrigo’s teacup and placed it down on the table.
She had previously rushed like a woman in love, unable to control herself, yet now she straightened her position by distancing herself from Rodrigo like a polite lady.

Anyhow, It’s fun.

Rodrigo decided to grasp his lips and match Estiya’s rhythm.

“I’ve been busy, Estiya.
The Eastern Mansion had undergone an explosion, and so I was distracted.”

Estiya’s eyes shook at the word ‘explosion’.
She immediately realized it was not just an accident, and that Cartina was behind the incident.
Estiya gazed at Hela and Stefan, a look of resentment presented on her face.
The two avoided her eyes.


Estiya lightly sighed.

“Mother, father.
Sisters and brother.”

The Cartinas turned anxious as Estiya spoke expressionlessly.
Estiya had always smiled.
It was only when Estiya was extremely angry that she didn’t laugh.
It was a scarce occurrence, thus Cartina was nervous.

Our Estiya, we’re scared when you’re angry.

“This is the person I love.”

Stefan and Hela’s eyes stained with despair after they heard Estiya’s resolute tone.
The other family members were no different.
It wasn’t long before their despair turned into anger and aimed for Rodrigo.

Erhardt, who they wanted to tear to death, twisted our innocent Estiya!

Five pairs of blazing eyes glared at Rodrigo.
Rodrigo didn’t say a word and continued to smile.
Ether and Eyla were overwhelmed with anger.

Is that the attitude you use to associate with our treasure Estiya?

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