level of acting talent we have in Hollywood is just increasing every year, so it was never about talent but how a character is written or portrayed.

But just last month, [Black Saints] gave us Kai August, a villain that thoroughly resonated with the masses and was trending on Sparrow for quite a while. But why was that so? Is it the acting? Just the character traits? Or something entirely else.

Let ’s discuss that!

First, if you have seen the movie, you must have seen the opening scene. Just that set up the whole character of Kai. It gave him a very relatable background of someone who likes comic books. But it ’s a very unique character trait for a gangster.

Next, we see Kai talking to a kid and in that scene, we understand his mentality very well.

Here, we find out how Kai talked about his philosophy about politicians, the world and how being a gangster and politician isn ’t really different as in the end, it ’s all about power.

Both authority and fear are powers that one could use. And Kai understands that well and later, we get to know that he wants to grow over power.

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