Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 364: Hatching a Devilish Plot

Deep within the city of Paris sat the French Monarch King Gilles de Valois, who was currently sitting upon his throne, entertaining a diplomatic delegation from the Kingdom of Austria. Berengar had finally begun to make his move within the Kingdom of France, and the French Crown was only one faction in his plot to destabilize the region even further.

Though Gilles had no way of knowing what Berengar ’s true intentions were, and as such, he begrudgingly accepted the Austrian delegation who currently stood before him. Standing by the right side of the French Monarch was his son Prince Aubry de Valois, who had returned from the war effort after much pleading to his father. As per usual, the French King never followed through with disciplining his errant children.

On the left side of Gilles was his daughter Princess Sibilla de Valois. A young woman is known for her cruel and vicious nature. She had caused more than a few diplomatic crises due to her rotten behavior. The two royal offspring watched with bored expressions as the Austrian delegation presented themselves to the French King.

Baron Ludecke von Dürnstein was tasked with leading Austrian Intelligence ’s efforts to undermine the Kingdom of France. As such, he acted as the chief diplomat to the French Crown. In doing so, he hoped to gain their trust while his other operatives worked to supply France ’s rivals.

”Your Majesty, King Gilles de Valois, I am Baron Ludecke von Dürnstein, diplomat of his Majesty King Berengar von Kufstein. My liege has tasked me with aiding you in your efforts to crush the infernal rebellion of the Duke of Burgundy, as well as repel the English invasion. Thus I have come bearing gifts. ”

The moment Berengar von Kufstein came up, Aubry ’s interest was sparked, whereas King Gilles instantly grew sour; he could not contain his wrath any longer and immediately began to shout at Ludecke.

”Your master sends gifts after he has stolen my son ’s bride? What form of compensation can he possibly offer me that will ever compare to the alliance I have lost! You are lucky I even accepted your delegation considering your liege is a known Heretic, who has invoked the ire of the Holy Father! Do you realize there is a crusade declared against your Kingdom? I should have you locked up for even stepping foot in my realm! ”

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