Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 220: The Brigand Act

The illumination of high noon gleamed through the windows of Berengar ’s study, and with it, landed upon his handsome figure. The young Count had a calm expression as he sipped from his tea. In front of him were two people reporting the news he had been waiting for. One of these individuals was his lover Linde, and the other was his close friend and Field Marshal Eckhard.

As Berengar enjoyed the flavor of the chamomile tea, Linde spread a report across his desk; its contents revealed the general attitudes of the noblemen of Austria and how they would react to the news of Conrad ’s demise and Berengar ’s declaration of usurpation.

As Berengar read through its contents, Linde announced the general summary of what the report contained.

”As you have expected, Count Audeger, Count Otto, and Count Adelbrand will support you. Their views are simple, to struggle against you is an act of suicide. Besides that, there is a consensus by these Counts and their Vassals that despite losing power in the forms of feudal armies, the economic benefits of tying their dynasties to positions of control over your businesses far outweigh the losses they will suffer because of your reforms. ”

Berengar nodded in approval when he heard this and continued to read the report; while he did so, Linde further commented on it.

”Upper and Lower Austria will stay out of the conflict entirely. Our spies have reported that while the Count of those Upper Austria is not favorable towards you or your rise to power, his Vassals support your reforms, and without their aid, the Count will not have the armies to rebel against you. As for Lower Austria, as you know it is the crownland ruled by Conrad, with his death it has fallen directly into your hands. As such you will see no resistance in the Northern portion of Austria.

Berengar flipped through the pages while drinking from his tea, nodding in silence. The report was thorough and included far more details than Linde was summarizing; as such, he took the time to read through it while his lover continued to report her findings.

”The regions that are sure to rebel against you when you proclaim yourself Duke are the Counties of Kärnten, Krain, and Kustenland. In other words, the southern regions of Austria. The Counts of those regions are greatly repulsed by your rapid ascension to power and consider you nothing more than a jumped-up Baron. Aside from Kärnten, the other two counties did not personally witness the might of your forces in battle, and as such genuinely believe they might have a chance to stand against you. ”

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