Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 217: Preparation is the Key to Survival

After Conrad ’s horrific actions, the Castle was entirely on lockdown. Like Berengar had ordered, nobody was allowed in or out of the Castle, and the castle garrison immediately was put to task in looking for every clue available. While Berengar and his forces were piecing together what had happened, Conrad had fled to his room where he was currently hiding behind his door, breathing heavily.

The adrenaline and excitement that filled his veins after committing such a heinous act and getting away with it filled his mind with joy. Adrenaline and endorphins pumped through his blood in a way that he had never felt before.

He could get used to this. Or so he thought. However, when he appeared in front of the mirror, he noticed his clothes and hands were stained with blood, and he was still holding onto the murder weapon. He immediately began to panic and stripped his clothes before wrapping them around the murder weapon and tossing it out his window.

Conrad was not exactly the smoothest criminal; not only had he left a massive trail pointing in his direction, but he tossed even more crucial evidence such as the murder weapon and his blood-stained noble clothing outside the window, directly into the bushes below. With the way he had handled this act of cruelty, it was only a matter of time before Berengar found out he did the deed.

Of course, he had no way of knowing this, and thus he grinned in the mirror; he could not wait to kill something else that Linde loved, but the only thing she loved other than those cats was Berengar, Henrietta, and Hans. It would not be easy to inflict harm upon either of those three individuals.

Berengar had for some time suspected Conrad might do something to his son, and thus he had the infant ’s room constantly under lockdown; only he, Henrietta, and Linde were allowed into the room. Since becoming a father, he had grown paranoid and did not even trust his staff to take care of his infant son.

As for Henrietta, there was no way Conrad could harm her; the little girl was incredibly skittish and would never get near enough to Conrad for him to hurt her; even then, guards followed her around the clock to ensure her safety. If Conrad even attempted to harm the girl, a bayonet wall would be placed in front of him, and he would be killed on the spot.

Thus, for now, he had to wait until Linde found something else she loved, then Conrad would make sure to torment her by taking it away! He could already feel the excitement of doing such a thing. It was just a shame he did not get to see Linde ’s disturbed face, but her scream was enough for him to enjoy; it replayed itself in his mind on repeat, thinking about such things brought a wicked grin to his face.

As for Berengar, while his forces led an investigation, he had personally buried the three cats that were Linde ’s dear pets and brought his lover into the bath, where he scrubbed her clean. She was incredibly distraught by the barbaric display that somebody had made out of her pets, and she could not stop sobbing.

Berengar was in the middle of comforting her in this crisis as she held him close and stroked her silky strawberry blonde hair.

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