In the beginning of it all ~before there lived Pegasus, Cerberus, Centaurs, Satyr, Cyclops, etc,~ live once the DRAGON NATION. A nation of all kinds of dragons, united as one to defeat their enemies the Ichneumon. The Ichneumon, a beast with an armor of dried up, a beast with the ability to skillfully avoid strikes and attack their prey in the neck till their dead. A nation of over 100 000 dragons, from Amphiptere, Arctic dragons, Coatyl to Hydra and more.

The rulers of the DRAGON NATION had gone to war with their enemy the Ichneumons and Echnimons only to be defeated and get their kind wiped out, leaving their hatchlings to fend and fight for themselves. The dragon prince had now become king and ruler of the DRAGON NATION alongside his sister Gwen. Together they ruled and protected their nation and legacy. Before going to war, their parents had left behind a letter that they were instructed to read had it happened that their troop didn return.

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