Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)

Chapter 318: Anger Of A Prince

The Marlowe Brothers, though arrogant and hotheaded, were not fools. They speculated that this commoner girl before them was hiding her true cultivation level and might be some older woman in disguise…because a girl of her age can ’t be more powerful than them!

They were not named the top geniuses for nothing. And in this empire, only six people stood above them whose identities they knew clearly. They were sure that this girl was not from around here.

Reve subtly took out a talisman behind his back since he was no fool to rush at Valentina and get pummeled like Leva.

Noel put up a brave expression and said, ”Khalil, show this girl that we are not people to be trifled with. Leva underestimated her and ended up like that. But I know you can defeat her. If you get rid of this eyesore, I will tell my father to give you a town! ”

Noel had a tacit understanding with Reve and was planning to use Khalil as a meatshield to buy them some time till their experts reached here.

Khalil ’s eyes instantly brightened up at the offer. Gift him a town? That would mean that he could become a lord of an entire town!

Khalil was not coming from a prestigious background like the Marlowe Brothers but from a humble background. Even the noblewoman who accompanied him was like a fairy to him since he had never interacted with such women before.

It was more like he was never qualified to before. And to get his current status was no easy task since he had to lick the boots of countless people while allowing certain people to step over him like carpet.

So, to be given an entire town to his name was like a dream for him since it could elevate his status and power to new heights.

Khalil didn ’t bother to think too much since he also felt a hit to his ego for fearing this commoner girl. He believed that Leva was caught by surprise because he underestimated this girl too much, just as Noel said.

He felt like he needed to prove himself before these two brothers and the women to show that he was someone worthy enough to be listed in the Soaring Sky rankings.

He had somehow built up some confidence and pride by getting listed in the Soaring Sky rankings. But now, he felt like they were all crumbling away because of this commoner girl.

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