The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (57)

No one expected that Chu Xiang would be recognized by everyone on the first day of her arrival to the army, including Yin Xu.
He never thought that she could become one with everyone so quickly, completely integrating into their unit.

Early the next morning, Li Dong came to call Chu Xiang and Yin Xu for a meeting.
There were only four people in their task force, Chu Xiang, Yin Xu, Li Dong and Liang Jie.

The mission this time was confidential, and no one knew the content of the mission except the four of them and the Commander.
The Commander clearly explained everything to them and solemnly instructed them never to be careless, that they must return safely.

The four of them went to a secret base for high-intensity training for five days, cultivated tacit understanding, and set off immediately after passing the tacit understanding test.
No one knew where they went and even their files were specifically kept confidential.
These would also be destroyed the moment they went missing in action.

The four drove to their destination, Y City, in casual clothes.
Chu Xiang sat in the back and applied makeup on Yin Xu.
Yin Xu shrank back uncomfortably.
“Is it done? It’s been a long time.”

Chu Xiang pinched his chin to fix something.
“Don’t move! It’ll be fine in no time.
It’s not easy to reveal the stuffing if we make you more delicate.”

Yin Xushi sat stiffly.
Li Dong and Liang Jie in the front row glanced over from the rearview mirror from time to time.
Yin Xu couldn’t help but snap, “What are you looking at?!”

Li Dong coughed a couple of times.
It’s just…ahem, Sister Xiang is amazing!”

Liang Jie nodded vigorously.
“Exactly! Awesome!”

Yin Xu was full of doubts and asked them to clarify but they didn’t answer.
Chu Xiang completely ignored him, as if she was occupied using his face as a canvas.

After waiting for another five minutes, Chu Xiang finally let go of him, looked at his face and said with satisfaction, “Yes, your new profile is quite handsome.”

Yin Xu grabbed the small mirror in his bag and was stunned when he saw his own reflection.
“Is this me? How come I look so different?!”

Li Dong excitedly replied, “How about Sister Xiang is amazing! This is not makeup, but a disguise, right?! Sister Xiang, can you teach me how you did it?”

Liang Jie chuckled: “You are such a klutz but you still want to learn makeup? Sister Xiang is better off teaching me marksmanship.
I am good at this.
Sister Xiang, how about taking you as my teacher? I promise I won’t disgrace you.”

“Yo, I’m Sister Xiang’s instructor.
It turns out you want to call me Grandmaster! Hahaha~” Li Dong doubled over till his eyes narrowed.

Yin Xu patted him on the shoulder.
“Drive properly and be careful.”

Chu Xiang had already finished putting on her makeup while they were talking.
No one in Y City knew her.
She just needed to conform to her identity and image.
She was dressed in a slightly more assertive manner.

Yin Xu looked at her, then looked in the mirror.
“Why do I feel something is not right? Aren’t you pretending to be a businesswoman? The Boss?”

Chu Xiang packed her makeup bag and said, “Yes, I’m the boss.”

“You are the boss?” The three men in the car asked in unison, all staring at her.

Chu Xiang smiled and clapped back, “Do you have any business experience? Although I don’t have any, I read a lot of books.
When I was in school, I read a lot of books every day and learned a lot.
You just need to assist me.
Don’t talk nonsense.”

Yin Xu shrugged, sat back and closed his eyes.
“As long as you’re sure of it.”

Yin Xu’s identity was the cousin and assistant of Boss Chu Xiang.
Li Dong was the driver, and Liang Jie was the bodyguard.
On the surface, they came to negotiate a big deal with a man named Lao K, but in fact it was to find evidence that K was a spy as well as collect a roster of witnesses.

Lao K burrowed himself in secret hideouts and his lair in Y City was undetermined.
They only determined the location of a factory because Yin Xu once saw it accidentally when he was on a mission.
He was shot before he escaped, but fortunately none of his vital organs were hurt.

Yin Xu and Chu Xiang finally reviewed Lao K’s information.
“The largest drug kingpin in China, who handles 70% of the country’s drugs, is a Japanese, who has lived in the country since childhood.
He has transmitted important information about China to the Japanese in an organized and covert manner.
He has also controlled some people with status as information channels through drugs.
He is cautious, suspicious and fickle.”

Chu Xiang held her chin, looked out the window and said with interest, “This Lao K is quite capable.”

Li Dong looked at her from the rearview mirror and said in surprise, “Sister Xiang, you are not like this in school.
Why do I feel that you are excited? Lao K is no joke.
It is really a deadly task to make contact with him.
Your first mission is highly dangerous and difficult to complete.”

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