The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (31)

Chu Lan was overjoyed when she was rescued, but she was so flustered when she returned home.

She was terribly scared! She was afraid that she would end up like her previous life again.
She had been unlucky all that time, and her misfortunes piled up as days went by.
She was afraid of suffering the pain and despair she felt back then.

In her previous life, she clearly asked a fortune-teller to help her change her fate.
She climbed a mountain and kowtowed 999 times for the blessing of the Bodhisattva, that was why she was reborn and was blessed with good luck.
Why did she suddenly start to fall into misfortunes again?

Chu Lan knelt in the house and prayed all night.
The next morning, she couldn’t wait to enter the mountain.
This time, she didn’t dare to trudge deeper, and just wandered around the periphery of the forest.
However, no matter how she circled the paths, she couldn’t find anything good.
Except for a basket of wild vegetables, she didn’t take anything home.

Grandma Chu felt that Chu Lan and her mother would suppress her one of these days.
Since Chu Xiang hit her in the face too, she was quite worried.
 Seeing that Chu Lan didn’t bring home anything good, she slyly hurled barbed insults at Chu Lan.

Chu Lan’s mother couldn’t resist arguing with her.
One relied on her daughter’s being the lucky star to raise her chin up, and the other relied on her being the mother-in-law to refuse caving in at all costs.
Chaos reigned in the Chu residence all day long.

The Yin residence, on the other side, was the exact opposite of them.
If Chu Xiang wanted to win the favor of someone, she would never fail.
She wanted to play the 18-year-old girl of this era, then she was an 18-year-old girl of this era.
Without exuding a hint of disobedience, she won the great favor of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law as soon as she entered the family.
They truly regarded her as family .

In the eyes of the neighbors, this new bride knew how to behave.
She was filial to her mother-in-law, loving to her sister-in-law, and close to her husband, where was there a trace of misfortune from a broom star? Even her cooking made the neighbors flanking the house savor the tempting aroma. She is a proper, virtuous wife, ah!

This was interesting.
They claimed that Chu Xiang was a broom star and Chu Lan was a reincarnation of a lucky star.
Yet now Chu Xiang was so favored by her mother-in-law and looked entirely happy.
What about Chu Lan? Chu Lan almost died in the mountains in a wretched mess.

Yin Xu was keenly aware that other people’s views on Chu Xiang was changing.
In the evening, when Chu Xiang was enjoying the shade in the yard, he walked out and sat beside her with his cane.
He whispered, “How awesome! If you were to break into an enemy’s army, few people would be capable of rivaling you.”

Chu Xiang held her chin in her hand and thought for a while, then asked, “Is it fun to be a soldier? Are there any female soldiers in your army?”

Yin Xu rested his hands on the back of his head and leaned against the wall.
He turned his head and looked at her.
“What are you planning to do? Do you want to be a soldier?” After a momentary glance at her, he focused his gaze on the big tree in the yard and smiled.
“With your little arms and calves, you’d probably end up dead there.
Do you think being a soldier is easy-peasy? You can’t stand the daily morning and night drills.”

Yin Xu’s image, which Chu Xiang saw before, was introverted and taciturn.
It might be that they were familiar now, so she actually saw his bohemian side, which was quite novel.
She leaned forward for a closer look and said with a smile, “Yo, are you proud to have been a soldier? Do you look down on me? And I wonder who is now only on crutches.”

Yin Xu pushed her shoulders and pushed her further away, accompanying it with a brief laughter.
“I don’t know who rolled down the hillside from walking.”

“I’m totally fine.
I have all my limbs intact, what’s a disfigurement?”

“I’m not bad either.
I have a brain intact, what’s a limp?”

After the two of them finished speaking, they found such a dialogue so naive, and laughed in unison.

Yin Qiuwen, who was lying by the window, soundlessly whispered to Yang Yuelan next to her, “The two of them seem to be really husband and wife, don’t you think so, Mom?”

With a smile on her face, Yang Yuelan kept nodding her head.
“Absolutely! This is great.
It would be even better if they could cement their relationship.
Shh, let’s get back in.
Don’t make a sound and disturb them.”

“Yeah.” Yin Qiuwen replied softly and tiptoed, holding Yang Yuelan back to the room.

Chu Xiang was circulating what little spiritual power she had all the time, which was equivalent to emitting a bit of spiritual energy from her head to her toes.
This made staying with her much more comfortable.

That was how Yin Xu felt.
He felt so cozy next to Chu Xiang that he didn’t want to move.
It seemed that even his legs didn’t hurt much anymore, so much so that when Chu Xiang got up to return to her room, he surprisingly felt regretful to part with her.

He shook his head and wiped his face.
When he raised his head and saw the bright full moon, he uttered a curse beneath his breath.
It must be because the atmosphere was too good, otherwise why was he feeling this way?

Yin Qiuwen also liked to stay by Chu Xiang’s side.
They both slept on opposite sides of the bed at night, but she rolled next to Chu Xiang in her sleep.

Chu Xiang opened her eyes and looked at her.
Seeing that she was just holding her arm motionlessly, she let her be.
She wouldn’t reject such a cute and sensible sister.
The two were indeed the image of two biological sisters, sleeping close to each other.

Three days after, of course, Chu Xiang would not return to the Chu residence.
Yang Yuelan was afraid that she would be questioned by the neighbors at home, so she asked Yin Qiuwen to accompany her window shopping in town.
Sometimes the villagers weren’t harboring any malicious intentions, they were just too proficient at prying, which was actually very annoying.

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