The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (15)

Chu Xiang has not woken up in the hospital.
Misdiagnosis was common in the small county hospital in this era.
The doctor’s medical skills were average, and when no problems were found, the doctor described Chu Xiang’s condition as serious and used various methods and drugs to treat her.

Life was at stake, so the captain and three to five villagers watched.
Li Yuezhen couldn’t say no to save Chu Xiang and let her die.
When everyone was still out of their wits, the captain already paid some money and asked the doctor to push Chu Xiang into the emergency room for rescue.

When Chu Weiguo arrived a little later, the money he brought wasn’t even enough, so he could only embarrassedly promise to pay the captain back on their return.

Chu Xiang was rescued for a long time.
Afterward, the doctor came out and said, “The patient is in a coma, but her vital signs have stabilized.
We suspect that she may become a vegetative state.
We need to observe her for three days to see how things are going, so go and get her admitted.”

“What? What is a vegetative person? What does this have to do with plants?” Li Yuezhen held the doctor in puzzlement.

The doctor explained, “In a vegetative state means that the patient is still alive, but she’s not necessarily going to wake up.
She can only be bedridden.”

“Isn’t that the same as dead?” Li Yuezhen looked at Chu Weiguo in shock.
Chu Weiguo was also struck dumb.
Even the captain and the others didn’t know how to react.

When Chu Xiang woke up in the clinic and spoke, she looked just fine, but after Li Yuezhen pushed her, her condition turned so serious.
This made Li Yuezhen’s face turn as white as paper.
She felt as if she had killed her daughter with her own hands.

The captain frowned and scolded her, “What’s the use of talking about this now? Why don’t you go through the formalities? What are you doing?”

“Oh, oh-uh, I’ll go right now.” Chu Weiguo couldn’t turn his head.
The captain has said the word, and before he knew it, he had finished the hospitalization procedures.
He still owed the hospital a little money and was ordered to pay the amount at dawn.

He had no time to go back to the brigade to ask for money, so after considering the matter, he could only run to find his sister, Chu Shuang.
Chu Shuang worked as a salesman in a supply and marketing cooperative, and her husband worked as an accountant in a brick factory.
Her family’s economic situation wasn’t bad, but she hated communicating with her family.

He shamelessly knocked on Chu Shuang’s door and narrated the story.
Chu Shuang fobbed him off with excuses, but ended up lending him 300 yuan.
She knew that the Chu family had the money and was not afraid that they couldn’t pay it back.
Of course, nothing more than that amount, and the Chu family would definitely be able to pay more.

Chu Xiang stayed in the hospital ward quietly reconditioning her body with a little spiritual power.
The original owner was seriously injured when she rolled down the mountain slope, which just gave her the reason to faint this time.
The last time she bumped the back of her head, she felt unwell.
This time, she inhaled smoke again, which could hurt some brain nerves and brain cells.
There was indeed a high possibility that she’d become vegetative.

Unbeknownst to the doctor, the medicine that he gave her was stored into her space.
The environment of the hospital was much better than that of the Chu residence, and the bed was more comfortable, so she remained “unconscious” safely.

The captain waited until the second half of the night.
Knowing that Chu Xiang was not in danger, he brought the villagers back first.
Seeing that everyone was blocking the entrance to the Chu residence, he realized that everyone was uneasy, so he interrogated Chu Lan in public.

Of course, Chu Lan refused to admit it, and again used the bad luck rhetoric.
The captain was a high school graduate, and he often went to the county to hold meetings and receive new ideological education.
Of course, he was absolutely not superstitious.
What he asked was more about where everyone in the Chu family was at that time and what sound they heard.

Chu Xin said that he saw Chu Lan entering Chu Xiang’s room by the window, and that was the last time everyone in the Chu family saw Chu Lan.
The suspicion on Chu Lan was the greatest, because she couldn’t provide any evidence to prove that she didn’t ignite the fire.

Everyone knew that Chu Xiang was in bed, and she has no reason to set fire to herself, not to mention she was going to be in a vegetative state.
Who would harm herself to such an extent? To say that she committed suicide due to her disfigurement was also impossible, because Chu Xiang showed no inclination at all.
Moreover, she has to go to university.

Another verbal war ensued.
The more people discussed, the more reasonable it was that Chu Lan ignited the fire.
When Chu Lan realized that everyone was affected by the captain’s words, she got so anxious that she finally lied to him, “If I can’t prove that I wasn’t there, did any of you see me ignite the fire? How could you accuse me of arson when you have no proof to back your accusations? For such a serious charge, are you going to file a wrongful case without evidence? Do you want to kill an innocent person?”

The brigade captain frowned.
In the past few years, there were a lot of unjust, false and wrongful convictions.
He had seen the tragic situation of those people with his own eyes, and of course he did not want to have unjust, false and wrongful convictions in his hands.
There was no evidence or witnesses, and he couldn’t make a judgment.
In the end, he really had no clue, and sighed: “Lock Chu Lan up for now.
Let’s talk about this more later.
Everyone, disperse.”

At this time, the good luck on Chu Lan’s body faded a little bit, but it had not completely waned away, so she didn’t get caught.
She still escaped the catastrophe.

Chu Lan sighed with relief, and after being locked up, she pulled her mother and whispered, “You must vigorously proclaim that Chu Xiang is a bearer of ill luck, okay? She’s just unlucky herself.
I’m innocent.”

Chu Lan’s mother nodded repeatedly, and kept crying in front of Grandpa Chu, Grandma Chu and her husband.
She kept saying that Chu Xiang was a broom star, detailing the unfortunate things that happened to her from childhood to adulthood.
20% of which were the, with 80% making up the falsehood.
The more they listened to it, the more they took it as true.
After all, who usually paid attention to these trivial matters?

Grandma Chu was the most superstitious, and she tossed and turned all night with an ugly face.
She brooded over it.
Her husband almost died, but fortunately Yin Xu rescued him.
However, Yin Xu broke his leg and caused the Chu family’s reputation to plummet.
On top of that, she had to compensate the Yin family.
How unlucky!

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