Black-hearted Lotus Twin (18)

Chu Xiang shook her head.
“How can I have such time? He just learns whatever he likes.
How have you been these past few years? Have you had a good time?”

Xia Yunhui hubbed her arm with a smile and talked to her happily as before.
“I’m totally fine, but I can’t compete with you.
My God, now I’m going to tell people that I am Chu Xiang’s bestie whenever I go outside.
There’s definitely a bunch who envy and hate me deeply! By the way, you were not spotted on your way here, right? The news of your return is reported every day, and now many reporters are staring at you.”

“Don’t worry, I was very careful when I came here.
And I’ve asked my assistant to intervene.
I will give them time for an interview, so they don’t have to track me.”

Chu Xiang’s name represented a miracle, and a heavenly one at that.
Any conquered problem in medicine was something that could make the whole world cheer, so it was not at all surprising that she was receiving such treatment.
She herself was only 23 years old, young and beautiful, which added a different dimension to her legend.

With the media reporting her return, the Chu family naturally knew about it.
What excited them was that the problem Chu Xiang conquered was the key to treating Chu Xi! There were doctors who shook their heads and sighed at Chu Xi, saying that if she was willing to let them operate on her, the success rate of her recovering her health would be at least 80%.

Chu Xiang! Chu Xiang was now Chu Xi’s life-saving medicine! The family was excited and thrilled, but only after they calmed down did they think.
Who would go get Chu Xiang back?

The family looked at each other, but no one was willing to take the task.
It has been five years since Chu Xiang cut ties with them.
They have become so strange to each other to the extent where they felt cowed at the sight of Chu Xiang in the TV news.
Chu Xiang’s status has now risen much higher than theirs.
If it were not for their blood connection, a doctor at Chu Xiang’s level would definitely be beyond their reach.

Finally, Mr.
Chu said, “Chu Cheng, go directly to her.
She is still a member of the Chu family no matter what.
Since she can save Xixi’s life, she cannot fail to do so.”

Fang Jie interjected, “You’ve gone so long without contact.
Shouldn’t we consider a milder attitude? Why don’t I go with Chu Cheng? He can’t talk nicely.
Don’t anger Chu Xiang.”

Chu frowned at her.
“Saving someone’s life is such a big deal.
Do we have to beg her? If she dares to reject us, I will expose her to the media, so that everyone can see what a vicious creature she is.
She dares to be a doctor but has no benevolence at all!”

“Stop arguing.
I don’t want you guys to be so embarrassed because of me, and I don’t want you to see Chu Xiang’s face.
That’s it, leave me alone.” Chu Xi went back to her room after speaking, retreating to gain advantages.

Fang Jie turned her head and looked elsewhere in disdain.
This kind of trick was meaningless when played too much.
She could see through it.
The three members of the Chu family were blind, and they couldn’t tell who Chu Xi was for so many years.
Chu Xi was also a consummate pretender.
But this time, they should think of a way to charge forward.

At the moment, Fang Jie was just glad that they didn’t find a matching heart in the black market.
Otherwise, the family would have been brought to ruins.

Chu Xi’s health has gotten worse in the past two years, and she looks like she has no vitality.
If it wasn’t for the Chu family running around and asking famous doctors to take care of her body, she probably wouldn’t have lived to be 23 years old.
She herself has worked hard herself, and she would never give up.
The time she had been waiting for finally arrived.
Chu Xiang could cure her disease, and she has returned to China.
She would be able to live well!

Chu Xi waited with great expectation for several days.
Unexpectedly, the Chu family hit the wall one after another.
They failed to see Chu Xiang, much less have a chance to speak a word to her.
It was only then that they felt the huge gap between them.
For a time, they were helpless.

Chu Xi was angry and uncomfortable, and so she took advantage of their distraction and quietly left home.
She walked aimlessly in the street.
The people on the street were in a hurry.
Everyone was healthier than her, and the more she looked at them, the more she felt that they were an eyesore.

She couldn’t walk fast, so she walked slowly and leisurely along the street.
All she thought about was how to ask Chu Xiang to save her.
When she was crossing the road, she didn’t pay attention and crossed too early.
A whizzed past and almost ran her over!

She fell to the ground in fright.
Her heartbeat pounded fast, and the discomfort caused by the fright struck her in waves, making her see black in front of her eyes.

Seeing this, a man quickly helped her to lean against the wall, asked her a few questions, and relieved her discomfort.

Chu Xi looked at the man and blushed a little for no reason.
She said with a smile, “Thank you for helping me, I… can I know your name?”

The man smiled and replied, “Me? My name is Johnson.
Do you have a bad heart? Then you should take care of yourself more, and it’s best for you not to come out alone.”

Chu Xi nodded.
“Can you, can I have your phone number? I want to thank you very much.
My parents will thank you when they know about this.”

The man waved his hand.
“No need.”


Hearing the familiar voice, Chu Xi raised her head and saw Chu Xiang behind Johnson; her complexion drastically changed.

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