e walls inside me had been torn down.
And the magic that had been suppressed ramped up vividly.
The power was stronger than ever.


It was a familiar feeling that I had experienced a long time ago.


Immediately after the regression, the day I went to the Silver Forest in my young body to nurture the power that had been so weak in my previous life.


It was then that I heard the voice of the forest.
After a short conversation with the Goddess’s sister who was asleep there, I felt a tremor deep inside my body and the trees started to grow like crazy.
It even touched the clouds.


The tree grew so tall and so large that it could be seen from the royal palace.


‘It’s just like that time.’


It was a release of power that had been held back.


I felt like I was overcoming the limit.


‘Could it be the …… Goddess?’


My power has returned since the last dream.
Is this really a coincidence?

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‘The Silver Forest also said this.
The human continent has already fallen into danger and the power of Goddess Fahar has weakened……..’


In this time of crisis, I had gained a power that was almost a blessing.
There must be a reason for this power.


‘What am I supposed to do with it? And why me of all people?’


If the Goddess wanted a hero to save the world, there would have been many better options than me.
I was far too short to be a savior.
My body was not strong enough, and the magic I used was more suitable for defense than for attack and destruction.


‘What kind of test was the dream I had the other night, really? Did I pass that test?’


Kwanach looked at me with a worried gaze.


‘What if this power came with some obligation…What am I supposed to do? Do I have to prevent a war caused by Kwanach ?’


That has been my purpose from the time of the Regression to the present.




I called him in a faint voice.


“I feel my power returning, perhaps even stronger than when I was in my homeland.”




The Awakeners of the Catatel family lose most of their power as they move away from the Silver Forest… …I don’t know what that means either.”


Kwanach looked at me with a confused expression.


I looked over his shoulder.
The knights stood far away but I wanted to avoid talking about it in the presence of other people.
I didn’t want to have to reveal to the whole world that my power had returned.


Power was always stronger when the enemy didn’t know about it.


“Well, let’s go back to your room first.”


“Let’s do that…….”


As I left the garden of the greenhouse and made my way to the main building, I felt my strength waning by the minute.


I could feel the energy of the trees and grasses growing dozens of times brighter than usual.
It made me dizzy.


Without any direct contact with the plants, I could almost faintly understand what their spirits were saying. 


The plants in the Imperial Palace were generally scared.
Fear, fear, fear was pervasive. 

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I went back to the bedroom and immediately asked for some seeds.
Kwanach seemed to be wondering while gently delivering his order.


“Why do you need the seeds?”


“Yes, you’ve never seen my power in person.”


“Oh, you said the other day that you can grow a seed.
Is that really possible?”


“In my country, yes.
Here… I’ll have to try now.”


A few moments later some seeds arrived in the room.


Since I left my homeland, I have not used my powers as I once did.
In the Kingdom of Achaia, I was able to do many things with this power.


‘If I really get my power back……’


I would be able to protect myself for sure.
Perhaps I could convince Kwanach to let me out of this room.


I held one of the seeds tightly in my hand to test my strength.
The seed was very small, light, and flat.


I felt a sense of resonance with it.
After awakening, when I came into contact with plants, I instinctively felt a surge of power from within.


It was the same now.
Since coming to the empire, the power that had been quiet has begun to intensify.
I couldn’t even control it.


It was happening.
A seed in my hand sprouted, and within seconds, a stem grew.
It was a vine plant with an unknown name.
The green trunk swayed like a wave and grew infinitely long.


The vine climbed up my arm.
Just as I was about to get cramped, the vine left my arm as if it had a will of its own and began to sway.


Unlike nature’s vines, which grow only when there was something to rely on, these vines were on their own.
And so the vines grew until they reached the ceiling.


It all happened so fast.




I hurriedly controlled the power.
The vines stopped moving, and the plant, having lost its magic power, slumped to the ground and crashed.


It was hard to breathe.
I stood stunned for a moment, looking at the floor.
The dark green vines were intertwined.


I turned my head away and locked eyes with Kwanach, catching his attention after a few moments of confusion and surprise.


“Usphere, this is ….”


Kwanach looked surprised as well.
His eyes were filled with strength and trembling.

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