Chapter 87 – Be Careful (Part 2)

Editor: Cherish

— A…h? This… how could this happen?

— What in the…?

— Your image is collapsing.
— Seeing their disheartened appearance, Kang Yu chuckled.

Echidna turned her wing into a human hand again and prepared to use magic.

Black energy concentrated in her palm.

— Do something! — One of the men shouted out, voice laced with anger and irritation.

The magic spilling from her hands surrounded the masked men from all sides.

— Retreat!

The masked men, trying to avoid the attack, scattered in different directions, one of them grabbing Han Sol along the way.
Taken by surprise, she let out a scream for help.

Kang Yu stomped his foot.

With his hands behind his back, he approached the one who grabbed the girl and swung at him.

Grunting roughly, the masked man flew backwards.

— Surround him and attack him!

The men in black robes pulled out their weapons.

The weapon was one Kang Yu had never seen before: a metal hook with chains attached to it.

Nine people took aim and simultaneously attacked Kang Yu with the metal hooks.

The guy narrowed his eyes.

There was a dangerous energy coming from their bodies.

Kang Yu embraced the girl and, applying the Power of Heaven, rose high into the sky.

— A-ah! Ka… Kang Yu?!

— Don’t move, — he said calmly, addressing the squirming girl.

Flying across the street away from the dangerous masked men, Kang Yu descended to the ground.

— Wait here for a bit.

— I… I want to help too!

She immediately stretched her arms forward and created a charge of Maryok.
A bright white light gathered in her palms.

— Favor of Light!

At her command, the light entered Kang Yu’s body.

[You have received the Light’s Favor.]

[Strength +3, Agility +3, Unique Attribute (Magi) +2]

— Oh…

Kang Yu looked down at his body with interest upon absorbing the white light.

Strength and agility would not help him much, but the two units of Magi were clearly felt.

He could feel more Magi flowing through his body.

‘It’s a bit strange that the Favor of Light was able to raise Magi.’

But more importantly, Han Sol’s buff turned out to be much more helpful than expected.

He realized he could look forward to the moment when she would become a high-level Player.

‘In the meantime…’ The guy squinted at the nine red-masked men.
‘We need to deal with these guys.’

Kang Yu raised his right hand and a black sword appeared from his wrist.

Bending down, he used the Force of Fluency and shot his body forward like an arrow.

The metal hooks immediately flew towards him.

Although he was attacked by nine people at the same time, none of their chains entangled with each other.

This was indisputable proof that they were well trained in terms of combat.

Kang Yu swung his sword and hit two of the chains flying at him.

He was lucky that he managed to duck in time, otherwise the chains would not just brush past his hair but severely injure him.

Kang Yu pushed off the ground with both feet and jumped into the air.
The two chains aimed at his legs clashed and fell to the ground.

The eyes of the masked men flashed viciously.

This time, three chains were sent at the guy who had jumped up.

He stopped the Force of Fluency and applied the Power of Heaven.

Ignoring all the laws of physics, he climbed up at a right angle.

All three chains grazed his Black Pearl coat and, tearing it slightly, hooked onto it.
Kang Yu flew down at a tremendous speed.

[Power of Dark Spear]

Small, finger-sized spears formed and hailed down on his opponents, and they immediately stepped aside to avoid the attack.

— Kh!

However, one of them did not manage to escape his fat, and his body was pierced by dozens of small spears.

Dark red blood immediately poured from his wounds and he fell to the ground.

The remaining eight men tried to counterattack.

The chains flew at him again.

‘Although their maneuver was not bad…’

Looking at the chains flying from all sides, Kang Yu laughed.

They were trying to create a net out of chains.

‘…They are far from Young-ju.’

The guy raised his right hand and aimed at the ground.

With a wave of the Power of Hurricane, he turned the chains flying at him in the opposite direction.

Even behind their masks, it was evident that the attackers were dumbfounded.

— Quickly… get away from him!

The information they’d received was incorrect.

Kang Yu was not at all an amateur hiding behind Chae Young-ju’s skirt.
Nor did he lack understanding of the world.

He was no worse than Chae Young-ju.
No, he was certainly even stronger than her.

‘We need to report to the Cardinal.’

After all, Kang Yu played an important role in his plan.
If he does not learn this vital information, he will suffer a crushing defeat in the future.
The men in red masks simultaneously turned their backs on Kang Yu.

— Where do you think you’re going?

The guy spread his arms wide.

Frost gripped their bodies and their speed of movement slowed before they could blink.

— Echidna.

— Leave it to me, Kang Yu.

Echidna held out her arms.

A wall appeared in front of the fleeing people.
It was usually used for defense, but now it was intended to block them from escaping.

They immediately aimed their weapons at the wall.

— It’s too late.

Kang Yu took a deep breath.

He was preparing to use Magi.
His arms spread apart, he touched the ground.

‘Surface of Blades.’

Cracks began to form on the ground, from which sharp blades were sprouting.
There were not just one or two.
Dozens, hundreds of swords appeared and pierced the bodies of the fleeing men in black.

— Aaaakh!

— Damn it!

The masked men were planning to run away, but now there was nowhere to run.

Ahead was a wall of blades, and behind was a field strewn with swords.

In this short period of time, four more of them said goodbye to their lives.
Those who still survived had faces full of despair.

Not wasting a second, Kang Yu turned towards them.

‘This time I can’t miss them.’

Kang Yu wanted to stop them from acting before they either killed themselves or turn into monsters.

Quickly approaching them, Kang Yu grabbed the masked man who had given the order to retreat by his head.

Tightly clasping his head, he used the Force of Fear.

— A-uah!

White foam oozed from his mouth and his body trembled.

Kang Yu’s expression changed.

‘Did I screw up?’

In an instant he’d spent a large number of Magi, but despite this he could not see the horror on the man’s face that usually arose when the Force was successfully used.

Using the Power of Dominance which supports the Power of Fear, he soon heard what he wanted, though it took more energy.

Because his opponents were not weak, he thought it might be worth applying it.

‘Well, the Power of Fear is not universal.’

Kang Yu took off the mask, under which hid the face of a man who looked about 35 years old.

With a clenched fist, he punched the man in the face.

— Whose orders are you under?

— Kh… Die!

Kang Yu did not hesitate to break his arm.

There was a scream filled with pain.

— I’m not in the mood to give you many chances.
So tell me, who sent you?

— Die… a-ah!

He broke his other arm.

The man’s legs went limp, wetting himself as black dots blurred his vision.

— Who.
— A voice that knows no compassion.

The man’s gaze was filled with fear.

— Don’t… Don’t know…

— You must know.
If you say it, it’ll be much easier for you.

The man fell silent, hesitant.

— Death is a trivial thing.
You know it very well yourself, — Kang Yu said calmly.

The man tried to swallow, but his throat was dry.

Death really is trivial.
He knew it himself.

In the face of torment and suffering, death was the best wish.

The common sense-devouring horror eventually consumed him and he began to speak:

— B… Beh…

— Beh?

As he was ready to speak, one of the defeated men rose from the ground and threw a metal chain.

Only this time, the target was not Kang Yu but the man who started talking.

— Do not lose your loyalty to the School!

Growing annoyed, Kang Yu clicked his tongue and muttered:

— Armor.

His resistance to physical attacks doubled with the effect of his Power Armor.

(Reminder: received from Moon Yeon Ho in c36.
This effect lasts for 10 seconds.)

Additionally, Kang Yu erected a wall in front of him with the Power of Iron Curtain.

The man, expanding, eventually exploded like a balloon, taking with him the lives of the other masked survivors.

After walking around the site of the explosion, the untouched Kang Yu picked up one of the red masks from the ground.

It was a mask depicting the face of a demon.

— How difficult.

This time, too, Kang Yu could not find out the identity of the Cardinal.

Anger began to take over him.

He took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm himself.

‘Now they won’t show up again anytime soon.’

His eyes flashed.

— So we have to smoke them out.

The guy was in no hurry.

Tightly clutching the mask in his hand, it crumbled to pieces and fell to the ground.

— They… they failed.

— What did you say?

— The death of all Shadows has just been confirmed.

— Is this the work of Chae Young-ju?

— We haven’t verified it, but there’s a good chance you’re right.

— Right.
It’s rare for someone other than Young-ju to be able to defeat the Shadows.

Baek Kang Hyun’s face twisted into a displeased grimace.

He had no idea that the Shadows would be so useless.

Most likely, they were killed either by Young-ju herself, or members of her guild.

— How difficult…

He even thought that his decision to deal with the girl was in vain, because in the end he only lost important people.

A lump of anger rose to his throat from the constant defeats.

— How many of the splinters have been collected?

— About 30%.

— Not bad at all… — Baek Kang Hyun nodded approvingly.

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‘They won’t be able to find the stones of pure power.’

He was confident in this.

After all, how can you find something when you don’t have the special device to detect it?

Baek Kang Hyun smiled broadly, running his fingers over his demon mask.


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