lips didn ’t move.
However, the sound definitely came from it.

Wei Wuyin was stunned by her words.
Soul? He knew that to establish a Heart of Qi, one needed to merge mind, matter, spirit, and essence.
Spirit related to the soul!

Your soul is definitely compatible with your body, even exceeding your mind in authority.
Good. ” The voice was neither male or female, rather ambiguous, but it gave one an exceptionally odd feeling like they were listening to a million year old sage.

Wei Wuyin desperately tried to calm himself down.
He stopped moving just a few feet away and looked at the black skeleton.

”What do you want? ” He asked.
Since he was either going to die or going to live, he may as well act as if he was already safe.
He had a feeling that this skeleton could take his life away with a flick.

”Good mental stability.
A solid mind, a good soul-body compatibility, but your body is still too garbage. ” The skeleton appraised, ignoring Wei Wuyin.

”… ”

”That ’s fine, since you ’re one of the forty-nine! ” The black skeleton said.

Forty-nine? One of them?

”I can ’t stay too long, so I ’ll make this quick, ” The skeleton said.

Wei Wuyin nodded.
He didn ’t know what was happening, so he followed the flow.

The black skeleton pulled out a clear crystal ball the size of a basketball from nowhere.
It was as if it had just appeared into existence.
Wei Wuyin hadn ’t even sensed a hint of spatial energy used.

”Wei Wuyin, Thief of Sin.
You killed an Inheritor of Sin.
In the end, he bestowed it to you instead of cursing you.
Therefore, you ’re now the Inheritor of Sin. ” As the black skeleton said these confusing words, the crystal ball started to surge with white mist.
Soon, images appeared that retold the story of his meeting with the prisoner of the Violet Moon Sect.

At the end, it showed Wei Wuyin beheading him.

The images faded away.

”However, Karmic Luck is not in your worldly path.
Your heavenly fate was decided by the actions of others.
They accumulated the Sin of Greed with their actions, and the complicit willingness to watch and wait, the Sin of Sloth, produced a rank two calamity. ”

The images of the crystal ball flashed once again.
This time, Wei Wuyin became shocked.
The image was of Jiu Lang.
She was fighting in the war against the Violet Moon Sect, but she suddenly received a message, broke away, and met a beautiful woman with emerald hair and eyes.

The images flashed quickly.
The woman with emerald hair and eyes had been imprisoned and Jiu Lang had stabbed a deep syringe into her heart.
She extracted a fluid that looked like liquid emeralds.

”The Sin of Greed, ” the black skeleton said.

Then, the images flashed into others.
Wei Wuyin saw the Ancestral Elder of the Sect, the only Godlord figure of the sect.
He was standing near Godlord Lin beside the Haven Heart Monolith.
Godlord Lin seemed to have said something that sent the Ancestral Elder into silence.

”The Sin of Sloth, ” the black skeleton said.

Wei Wuyin felt that, based on the skeleton ’s words, the Ancestral Elder was warned of Jiu Lang ’s actions but did nothing about it.
Which would lead to…

As if reading his mind, the crystal ball shifted images.
This time, the images were clearer than before.
Wei Wuyin ’s eyes widened.

An army of warriors dressed in emerald armor had besieged the Scarlet Solaris Mountain.
They encircled it, a giant green dome of energy prevented anything from escaping.
The images sped up and Wei Wuyin saw himself.

He was facing a young man wielding a black-colored sword who didn ’t wear emerald armor, but a black martial robe.
Beside him was Jiu Lang, who looked severely injured and clutched at Wei Wuyin ’s sleeve in desperation.
Wei Wuyin could see the struggle in his own eyes, but then firm determination replaced it.

He faced this young man with his saber out.
With a shout, he released scarlet qi infused with metal and lightning energy.
It seemed to be some fascinating and powerful qi art, but Wei Wuyin was shocked.

”I formed a Heart of Scarlet Qi?! ” While he was shocked, a grand battle took place.

He clashed with the young man, but in the end, he was bested.
The young man came to a severely injured him, and swung his sword.
Wei Wuyin grimaced as he almost felt the sword slice through his throat mercilessly.

He died.

The images ended.

”Because of your worldly fate, I had to lure you out of that sect.
I abducted tens of thousands to change it, ever so slightly without the Heavenly Daos noticing. ” The black skeleton said somewhat aggrieved.

”Changed my fate? Lured me? You! You took those people? ” He couldn ’t help but feel a deep throbbing of his heart, the shock cascading his mind like a violent waterfall.

The black skeleton calmly nodded, ”I had to change the blessed fate of tens of thousands to move the fate of one in silence.
After I ’m done, they ’ll be returned. ”

”You, in the face of a rank two calamity, can not survive.
You do not have sufficient karmic luck.
You did, but not anymore. ”

”I did? ” Wei Wuyin was confused.
The prisoner had talked about karmic luck and karmic sin before, but he found it to be gibberish and nonsense.

The crystal ball flashed once more.
It was an image of a younger Wei Wuyin.
He had Du Ling in tow as he arrived at the Scarlet Solaris Mountain and was inducted into the sect.

”Karmic Luck expended: 0.1. ”

Then, he found an essence stone that enabled him to break into the Qi Condensation Realm.

Next, he helped an old retired man on a whim and he turned out to be a blacksmith.
The blacksmith decided to put his all into a legacy weapon as a gift, the last weapon he ’d ever craft in life.
His saber was made and given to him.

Next, he found the Steel Essence Source.

Then, the Three-Point Yin female.

”Karmic Luck expended: 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8. ”

”You were born with a 2.2 karmic value.
Your current karmic value: 0.3.
Requirement to have a chance to survive a rank two calamity: 1.5.
To avoid, and have a chance to benefit: 2.2. ” The black skeleton was nearly mechanical in its words.

Wei Wuyin was dazed.
Could things really be quantified as such? Was it that simple? This felt too fake, too unreal.

”Do you understand? ” The black skeleton asked.

He had to take several deep breaths.
This could all be fake, but for some reason, he knew in his heart that it was true.
Even…even his future.

In the end, he nodded.

He became the Inheritor of Sin, forcing this black skeleton to intervene and arrive in the face of an impending calamity.
If that was the case, then he can accept it.
He didn ’t fully understand, but he knew enough.

”What now? ” He asked.

The black skeleton looked at him with its hollow eyes.
A strange atmospheric change occurred in the air.

”Now, you steal sin from Hell and luck from the Heavens. ”

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