d the stinky chemical smell, I definitely smelled it.
It smelled like seafood humans who had been cursed and changed their bodies.”
When he expressed himself as a seafood man, Irene lost her appetite for some reason and even removed the tobacco pipe from her mouth and fell into anguish.
After thinking about for a while, she shook her head softly.
“The curse of the tyrant of the deep sea is not simply a body change, but a power that transforms the soul.
But I never had the feeling that his soul had changed so much that he was no longer human.”
Irene was an elf.
A fairy family that still retains the characteristics of a psychic body.
It was strange that she didn’t realize it, as her eyes were more specialized in examining the essence of an object than her outward appearance.
No matter how she closed her outstretched mind to sever her connection with the World Tree, she would have had far greater insight than her average human.
“Can’t you see something in your eyes?”
Irene looked at Ivan.
Because she knew that his right eye, once stolen by Odin and restored, had an extraordinary ability to read the invisible.
“I just checked that there was something on his chest.
I thought it was the power he was hiding…”
The body of Ivan, who was talking to her, shook back and forth.
No, the ship he was riding on and the space swayed loudly.
“Something is strange!”
Ferocious Tooth drew his swords and stood up.
He watched all directions with his sharp eyes.
What he saw didn’t change at all.
The cabin was still the same, and nothing had changed.
However, the feeling of sticking to the skin was strange.
I felt a strange sense of discomfort.
“…the ship is moving.”

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Delfino frowned.
Seeing his stomach churn, there was no doubt about it.
Ivan shouted as he hurriedly left the cabin and climbed up to the deck.
“What the hell is this…!”
Ivan couldn’t utter his words until the very end and bit his mouth.
Something was strange.
“There was no sign of departure, but the ship was in the middle of the sea, what happened?”
Irene glanced at the helmsman.
He was desperately trying to move the ship, but it didn’t listen.
It was something he had experienced once.
The ship, which had been going through the sea on its own, arrived at the island not long after.
It was also familiar.
Ivan concentrated the magic in his eyes and looked at the sandy beach.
It was the look he remembered.
“… we’re back.”
When he looked at the captain, his eyes were greatly surprised.
The other crew members also had puzzled faces.
Everyone looked like they were possessed by a ghost.
They seemed terrified.
Ivan slammed the railing and jumped off.
Even the feel of the sand on his feet was the same.
Ferocious Tooth jumped after Ivan.
“Time has rewinded!”
Irene, who came down as softly as if she were flying, denied those words.
“Time is not rewinding.
You can’t do such a transcendent thing so casually.
It’s just the same thing happening over and over again.”
This dungeon was fixed at a certain point hundreds of years ago.
It was judged that what was different from that time was a foreign substance that threatened the world, so it was pushed out and returned to the way it was at that time.
Two crows appeared from the shadow of Ivan and soared into the sky.
After checking Hugin and Munin’s sights, Ivan snorted.
“It’s exactly the same.
We don’t even have the bodies of those we killed.”
The others were so stunned that they didn’t seem to have a good idea of ​​what was going on, but Ivan realized what was going on.
He had experienced this type of dungeon before.
A long time ago, this was a story of a time when he was fighting with blood and sweat, sitting on a chair and waving his fingers instead of bumping bodies.
Time Attack, a dungeon that must be completed within a set time.
Ivan pointed to the wreckage of the ship lying around.
Someone challenged them here.
A sunken and stranded trail.
“It’s our unlucky seniors.
If we can’t solve this dungeon forever, that will be the result.”

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Ivan looked at Thomas Meyer.
While the rest of the crew were trembling in fear, Thomas Meyer and Kyle scrambled down the ladder to the bottom.
“You are not agitated.
Are you familiar with this?”
Ivan asked a question, but Thomas Mayer snorted and accepted it.
“I was an explorer who spent my life searching for treasures.
How could I have been alive if I was embarrassed by this?”
He was acting together, but he could not be trusted at all.
Ivan changed the subject.
“How long has it been since we first landed here?”
Thomas Meyer, who took out his pocket watch, answered.
“…about twelve hours.”
“To have to solve a dungeon within that time, it’s really tight.”
Will it be possible to attack if Ivan finishes searching around and move forward at once? How many times do they have to try to be successful? Is there a limit on the number of challenges?
Thomas Meyer said as Ivan was thinking.
“Wait a minute.
I haven’t talked about it in a while, but they’ll be here soon……”
“The elite fighters you were hiding are arriving?”
“Did you know? You are quick-witted.”
“Whether it’s preventing us from hitting the chessboard or hitting us in the head, it’s difficult with your own strength right now.
But is it possible?”
Thomas Meyer narrowed his eyes.
“What does that mean?”
“You said it before as you rushed off.
You have to do this quickly so that the bugs don’t stick, and it must be because you were conscious of someone who might notice.”
The reason why the area of ​​the dungeon was much larger than expected, the orb of the sea and its owner Ivan remembered.
Do you really have time to relax?
“The pirates have moved.”
Outlaws in the West Sea have found their prey.

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