MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 516: Rudra Shows His Hand

Chapter 515 – A Ploy To Defy The Ruler Of Hell

Xietian read the conditions of the contract carefully and then thought about various possible scenarios , before finally agreeing to it and signing the document.

Although he felt something was off , he was on a timelimit to complete this mission which the superiors described as ’ Highest Priority ’ , and the negotiations were making no headway at all.

Hence with the assurance that nobody could circumvent a contract , xietian agreed to Rudra ’s terms .

This was a big mistake as Rudra had a big ploy underneath this contract as he smiled like a glib lawyer who had sunk his teeth into his prey.

Naturally Rudra would not warn the bloodmerchants at this moment , as he would wait for the right time to show his hand.

Following the contract signing , Victor was taken to the prison inside the Elites HQ , which was a holding cell made from reinforced concrete with only a mouth sized hole for air.

Not only was victor restrained at both hands and feet using high grade iron chains. But was also forced to wear a straight jacket that restricted him inside a thick leather strap jacket.

Victor was a theif and the very essence of the class was to pick locks and break in and out of structures. Hence one could not be enough careful when dealing with such a man.

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Elite members guarded the door to the cell 24/7 , as Rudra ensured that escape or breakout would not be an option that would be remotely feasible.

Naturally before sealing him in shut , as per the contract Rudra did handover one page of the demon ’s diary to victor .

The rest of the transaction between jack , xietian and Rudra took place exactly as xietian wanted with they placing the vial of antidote on the table and Rudra placing the rest of the pages before the two of them taking their items respectively.

Rudra looked at the purple vial with disgust , as it looked more like snake venom than an antidote , however having no other options , Rudra had to Gulp it down in one breath.

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