Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

150 Against Mythical! II

d be someone of the same power. I will stay behind and hold them back, but I do not know if I will make it back alive. ”

His voice was somber as he watched deadlier attacks come, ice forming around them as spears of ice and bones formed to shred the resplendent scales of the Blue Dragon. A whirlpool of lesser strength than the [Dragon ’s Breath] of the formation he controlled also appeared to cause the chaotic rotation of the sharp spears around them even deadlier as chips began to appear on the scales of the Blue Dragon.

The disciples in the tail section and claws of the formation were either already killed by the chains of lightning, or now became shredded at the appearance of these new attacks.

”Martial Uncle! ”

”Martial Uncle! ”

He ignored the shouts of the Violet Core disciples as he sent his Rebirth Realm energies towards them, transporting them out of the [Mountain Sea Sect ’s Sixth Style- Dragon Form] formation. The two disciples had unwilling faces as their figures appeared outside the Blue Dragon and they began rushing out into the depth of the sea. They would not waste their Martial Uncle ’s sacrifice.

Atlanteans and Merfolk saw these two figures running away as multiple submarines went to chase towards them. On the other side where fiendish beasts were letting out constant attacks on the halted Blue Dragon, a silvery light flashed as one of them disappeared, a battle cry resounding soon after.


Martial Uncle Softsword looked around him with bloodshot eyes as more and more disciples continued to fall from the lightning that bound them or the powerful attacks that tore apart the Blue Dragon.

”My disciples, I am sorry. ”

Painful words came out of his mouth as he looked at the disciples he had no way of saving…and released control of the formation of [Mountain Sea Sect ’s Sixth Style- Dragon Form].


Even more screams rang out as the protection from the formation faltered and was ripped apart. Fast-moving enemies that had the faces of lions with wide wings and stingers were moving around the sea effortlessly and reaping the lives of the chained and separated disciples as the other beasts and Atlanteans around them let out even more ferocious attacks.

Martial Uncle Softsword ’s heart felt pain as he looked with bloodshot eyes to the enemies that caused all of this. His anger reached the peak as he stopped hearing any more screams and felt the enemies aim their pulsating weapons and tridents towards him.

He was the only one remaining. He hoped the Disciple Darren and Disciple Lana would be able to get the word out to other sects so that they could stop playing around in the sidelines and move earnestly to attack these unenlightened fish.

His body let out vibrations of power as the mystical seat he had been sitting on earlier showed itself again and he sat down in it. He looked grand and magnificent as he was surrounded by enemies. The Merman letting out Rebirth Realm waves of power pointed its sharp fork towards him as the fiendish beasts that had appeared and caused the destabilization pulsed with their attacks ready.

”I have lived hundreds of years learning about the laws of the world. My achievements were not little, and I became renowned in the World of Cultivation. I will not be falling to some fools who have not even touched a sliver of the dao. ”

His eyes blazed with anger as the power in his body thrummed.

”Mountain Sea Sect ’s Fifth Style- The Descent of the Emperor! ”


A blue pulse released from him at the center as a transparent outline of a powerful monarch surrounded his body. A transparent blue crown appeared on his head as regal robes were donned upon him. His body thrummed with power as he looked to the enemies all around him.

”Come! ”

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