Chapter 34: A Warning.

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So the President has a boyfriend, but she is also in a relationship with Yoko.

The words, NTR, Sex friends, Cheating, all came to mind.
Though for now I held my tongue and listened to Yoko.

“I’ve known the president since Junior High School.
We were both in our school’s student council.
Since then I’ve always loved her.”

That’s surprisingly straightforward? Yoko simply shrugged.

“When I entered this school, I was immediately dragged into the student council by the president.
I was happy she remembered me, and since then I brazenly went in and out of the council room.
It was last year, in fall, that I heard she had a boyfriend.”


“I was shocked, but I thought it couldn’t be helped.
It was a love that could never be.
And like before, I was just going to be by her side as her close junior.- – -Until that day I held her for the first time.”

Yoko looked at the ceiling with somber eyes.
She was most likely remembering those days.
It looked painful, I wanted to tell her it was enough, but before that she continued.

“I heard that the president wasn’t getting along with her boyfriend.
The cause was apparently their “Body Compatibility ”.
I didn’t know what it meant, however they just couldn’t with the other person.
I heard that there were talks with the other senpai that they had no other choice but to break up.
.When it was just the two of us, I carelessly said.
“Why not try it with me?””

“So bold.”

“Is it bold, or just stupidity? I still don’t know why I said that! But the President was probably cornered.
Two days later, she said she wanted to try.”

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What were you feeling to even want to give it a try?

What kind of feelings did you even want to try?

What kind of resignation did you have to even say that?

I can’t really ever understand, because I am only chasing the love part of a story.
However I could easily imagine that it would have taken a lot of courage.

“Well, I guess after that.
We ended up being a good match.
The president got a body that she felt compatible with, and I was able to hold the person I loved.
A win-win.
I wish it had just ended there.”

She gave a dry laugh in self-deprecation, as tears began to grow in the corners of her eyes.
Her face began to distort.
There was a side of her that she had never shown to anyone, We’ve only seen her always smiling face.

I instinctively attempted to extend my arm, but I stopped.
Right now I have no comfort to give, or words to say.
I just shut up, and waited for her story to continue.

“It’s heartbreaking, and it’s painful, but I can’t tell anyone this.
! Even though I was thinking that I had to stop, I just couldn’t muster the courage! I liked the touch, so I couldn’t let go of this relationship.
Despite us doing this stuff, she managed to have a peaceful relationship with her boyfriend.
She’d simply leave after we embraced to see him.
I can’t even have a love affair with her! It’s like I’m just a substitute for sex toy.
.A lubricate for their relationship! I just look like an idiot!?!”

She began fully crying, lightly quivering, as she leaned over the desk with both hands tightly squeezing the rim.

“I ! No matter how many times I held her, that never escapes my mind! I was frustrated that someone who’s face I didn’t even know or name was doing whatever he wanted with her! I was losing my mind.
Moreover, right after we just embraced! I was so jealous of them!”

“Uh, you have to calm down.”

“I can’t talk about this without losing my temper! I know I was probably expecting it to go somewhere.
If we continued, maybe she would someday turn around and look at me .
That’s impossible though.
What could a sex toy expect!.
.Ah, but it’s over.
The president said “ We will stop”, and I’m going to end this relationship.”

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At that time that’s why she was so upset? That’s why she said.
“I won’t be holding the president any longer.”

–   – Is this how they wanted to end it?

I don’t know if they were just “finished” or “finally finished” .
However, I could see that my friend’s feelings were cutting her as she tried to end it.
I wondered how the president felt about this.

I couldn’t forgive her if she really only thinks about Yoko as some good sex toy.

“I’m glad you found us.
We couldn’t finish it ourselves.
If we dragged on this relationship we would have someday been found out, and it would have caused a huge fallout.
So thank you.”

“You’re welcome.

Is it okay to say that?  I created an opportunity and forced it to end.

You had a partner you liked so much you couldn’t cut them off even if the relationship was so messed up.
You didn’t think it’d be a good ending.

You have the resolve now, but are you just saying that? In either case, someday- – – As soon as possible, I hope you can find your way out, from the bottom of my heart.

“I can’t keep chasing a love that won’t ever be returned .
I have to be positive.
So how about it? How about being my next love? I have said before, I like Shiori’s face.”

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.I definitely refuse.”

Even giving a strong face, I was relieved to see her smile as usual, though it became more disappointing as the seconds passed.

You just had your heart broken by doing that, don’t try to persuade another woman.
Especially me.

“Ahaha, I was rejected again.
Well, Shiori already has Sara-chan.”

“This again? But Sara is-”

“Your friend, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

She scowled lightly as if she knew something, and said with a bitter smile.
“Well listen.”

“You say Sara-chan is just a friend, but you don’t look like that.”

“Earlier somebody also told me that too.
They saw us together, and thought we were dating.”

“Yeah, it’d look like that.
Actually I don’t know what that looks like.
But I want you to think closely about one thing.
If Sara-chan had a boyfriend, could you really, from the bottom of your heart, celebrate for her? Would you be okay with that?


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Wouldn’t that be the wish fulfilled? I wanted to protect Sara.
I’ve been at her side since spring to make sure she wouldn’t fall in love with Aoi and not be stabbed by Koharu in the bad ending.

I was just thinking about protecting her until someday someone who could protect Sara appeared.

Therefore, it should be okay.
.So why.
Why can’t I immediately answer?

“Even if you are just friends, wouldn’t you feel lonely having your close friend always spending time with her boyfriend? So I don’t think you completely celebrate.
That has a limit though, if you have more than just friends feeling, you should properly try and face those feelings.
.I say this as a professional idiot who fell in love.
If you realized it too late, wouldn’t you be sad?”

I’ll think about it.”

Sara, and Me? No, it’s different.
It has to be different.
This feeling is not love. 

Sara is my close friend, a cute little sister, a pupil, and also–


I remembered the constant smile she’d given me.
My chest tightened, by that dazzling always healing smile.


A more heavy chapter.
A really messed up relationship.
Hopefully there is some good closure for them, or something.
Now Shiori has to deal with some heavy questions. 

I wonder how the president feels about all this? She has to have realized Yoko loves her.

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