wo of us go on a trip?]

[……A trip? ……Together…… with Kaito?]

Instead of going to tourist spots, let’s go somewhere rich in nature, like camping…… Well, it’s just, this book made me want to go on a trip, but I’ve never traveled with Isis…… and so…… that’s what I thought……]



Somehow, I became more and more nervous while talking about this.
I mean, although this is quite obvious, this invitation somehow feels like me inviting her to go somewhere for an overnight stay, and being aware of that thought in my mind, I suddenly felt embarrassed.

When I glanced at Isis-san and peeked at her reaction, a smile as bright as blooming flowers appeared on Isis-san’s lips.



[……Trip with Kaito…… I want to go!]

[It’s decided then.
In that case, let’s talk about where we should go.
I’ve done some research on my side as well, but Isis-san is more knowledgeable when we’re talking about the Demon Realm…… It might also be a good idea to go to some of the places mentioned in the book.]

[……Unnn…… Come to think of it…… The book also talked about them camping…… It didn’t give any specific details about the place…… but from its descriptions…… I think it would be around the Western Demon Realm.]

[Fumu, so we can narrow it down to the Western Demon Realm?]


[……Unnn…… I’ll go get some books…… that we could use as references.]



Even looking at Isis-san from the side, I could feel how excited she was, as she went to pick up books about the Western Demon Realm.

I’m glad she was pleased with the idea.
I myself actually thought that I had thought of a good idea, and since I bought fishing equipment before, if there’s a river nearby, we can go fishing.

While we’re at it, it also might be a good idea to buy something like camping equipment, and try to make it feel like we would be genuinely camping.
Well, I’ll discuss this with Isis-san and make a decision after that.



I’m getting pretty excited about this too.
Thinking about the various things I’d really like to discuss with Isis-san, I’m unable to sit still, fidgeting in my seat.


















Serious-senpai : [U- Uwaaaahhhhhhh!? N- No way, a- a sudden…… Isis…… Aaaaaaahhhhhh (Despair).]

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