Hellbound With You (WN)

Chapter 605: With you Part I

Completely limp from the intensity of their love making, the newlyweds took minutes, just lying there basking in the aftermath and catching their breaths before either of them spoke.

”I can ’t believe you ’re such a beast. ” She chuckled softly. They were still wrapped around each other, unwilling to part.

The villa was so quiet and calm that the both of them could feel nothing but peace just being there. Kai stared down at her, his eyes glimmering in his flushed face. ”You don ’t like it? ” he asked playfully, despite knowing full well that his wife loved his roughness and wildness in bed. Her moans and erotic pleas to ravage her harder and deeper was still resoundingly fresh in his mind and he just felt incredibly pleased and could not help but sensed within himself the renewed twinges of arousal once again.

”Do I look like I don ’t like it? ”

He shook his head as he smiled at her in a way that almost made her heart stop. Kelly returned his smile and then nuzzled herself closer to him, hugging him even tighter in the process. They were silent once again, both listening to each other ’s heartbeats – revelling in the simple fact that they are both alive, well and together, in the way that mattered most.

Kelly began to recall everything that happened – before, during and after the wedding, their honeymoon – when suddenly, Tristan ’s unpleasant face popped up in her mind, causing her to grimace and Kai arched his brows at her unexpected reaction. She didn ’t know why but a chill went through her just thinking about him.

”What happened to Tristan? ” she asked, as a response to Kai ’s silent questioning. She then felt Kai ’s body tensed up and bristle a little. It seemed he didn ’t like hearing Tristan ’s name voiced out from her lips. Seeing Kai ’s reaction, Kelly felt slightly regretful as well, knowing that by the mere mention of that bastard ’s name was enough to ruin their peaceful moment. However, she needed to know. She wanted to know if everything was truly alright now. She threw Kai an apologetic smile and shrugged her bare shoulders, hoping he would understand the reason she needed to ask that necessary question.

Thankfully, Kai willingly spoke after a few moments. He told her everything that happened last night. How he kidnapped Tristan and forced him to give up his rights and shares in the Young ’s company. He also revealed to her that he used a scandalous information, that Ezekiel gave him, to blackmail Tristan.

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