Team of the Administration Hall]

Health: 3,203/3,203

Internal Energy: 2,920/2,920

[Status Summary]

Seo Tae

[Demonic Dragon Team of Red Demon Hall]

Health: 2,901/2,901

Internal Energy: 1,620/1,620

[Status Summary]

Sal Yu

[Demonic Dragon Team of Red Demon Hall]

Health: 4,500/4,500

Internal Energy: 4,670/4,670

The Administration Hall and the Red Demon Hall were two of the four pillars that supported the sect from within.
The Supreme Pavilion and Wutian Pavilion were subordinate to the Halls.

Which is why they’re stronger than Jeok Myung. Particularly this “Sal Yu”.

Damn it. Seol-Hwi was troubled. The treasure is over there.

The treasure chest was squarely between the opposing teams.
The box stood out, making it obvious that there was treasure inside.

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How do I… All of them had high skills—not to the extent of overpowering him, but Seol-Hwi could be seriously hurt if he was unlucky.
It would be even worse if they had good teamwork.


Health: 7,306/7,408

Internal Energy: 6,800/6,800

Hmm. Good numbers.
The thing was, the window wouldn’t pop up until he found a weakness or he was in danger.

Abruptly, the standoff broke.
The Red Demon Hall made the first move.

“Where are you going!?”

The man from the Administration Hall easily blocked the attack and ducked to the side.
The room quickly filled with the sounds of their battle.

Seol-Hwi debated his next move.
In theory, it would be better to let them fight and then pick off the survivors, but he wouldn’t get any stronger unless he took risks.
He’d obtained everything he had by risking his life—and losing it.

I want to take them down myself… Is there no way?

“Ugh!” Gam Ja, from the Administration Hall, staggered from a blow to the shoulder.

[A great opportunity! Found a weakness in the Seven Dragons Team member Gam Ja.
How would you like to respond?]


▷Use Martial Arts

▷Use Toolbox

▷Approach the Opponent (New)

Huh! Fuck! Seol-Hwi thought that the moment Gam Ja lost his balance would be a perfect time to make his move, but the window interrupted him.
Disconcertingly, he couldn’t walk away now.

…6 …5

If he didn’t choose, he’d get a random option.

I can use martial arts to kill one, but there are four.
The moment I enter the room to use my martial arts, all of them will come at me. Seol-Hwi’s nerves spiked; even if he attacked, he couldn’t guarantee that he’d defeat all of them.

Ah, shit! I don’t know anymore! Let’s just go!

…3 …2

Which direction do you choose: North, South, East, or West?>

Um, which direction…? Seol-Hwi stared blankly at the sudden new option. What is this?

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An arrow ▼ pointed wherever Seol-Hwi looked in the still-frozen room.
Evidently, it wanted to know where he wanted to move.

So, maybe… it moves me instantly? Seol-Hwi felt goosebumps rising on his skin.

Fortunately, there wasn’t a timer for this; Seol-Hwi had time to think.

West would put him closer to Gam Ja.
Sal Yu was ten steps away, having recovered his sword after striking Gam Ja.

North of Gam Ja was Mu Kyung, Gam Ja’s companion.
He kept his sword pointed towards Seo Tae, despite knowing that his teammate was injured.

East and South are safe options, but… Sal Yu and Seo Tae would be a little further away, and Mu Kyung would be five steps away.
However, Seol-Hwi could end up cornered: the moment they realized Seol-Hwi was stronger than them, they would definitely gang up on him.

I have to kill two people at once.
That’ll cause enough confusion to buy me time.

Resuming immediately.'>'

Seol-Hwi instantly appeared next to Gam Ja.
The man spun around, but he was too late—Seol-Hwi’s sword went right through his chest.

Gam Ja

[Seven Dragons Team of the Administration Hall]

Health: 0/3,203

Dead in one shot.

Well now. Honestly, Seol-Hwi was shocked.
He didn’t think the system would put him this close.




The other three were equally startled.
They warily raised their swords at Seol-Hwi as he pulled his sword out of Gam Ja.

Seol-Hwi figured this fight was worth doing—no, he was certain it was.

▶ [A golden opportunity! Found a weakness in Mu Kyung.
How will you respond?]

▷ [A golden opportunity! Found a weakness in Seo Tae.
How will you respond?]

▷ [A golden opportunity! Found a weakness in Sal Yu.
How will you respond?]

It was like a gift from God.

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