
CH 27.3

The salty sea water hit his nose and mouth, causing pain.
The dark sea, out of reach of his feet, was calm and terrifying.
At that time, a sleek, straight body raised foam and dived.
Enveloped in black waves, he snatched himself up like a gliding bird in the sky.
As soon as he got to the surface Yaba struggled.
Cha Yiseok tilted Yaba’s head back from behind and leaned it against his shoulder.
His wet lips hit his ear.

“Shh, shh.
Relax and leave it to me.
Otherwise, I have no choice but to knock you out.”

Cha Yiseok wrapped Yaba around his waist and parted the water with his one arm.
His flabby belly ate away at his arm.
There was no way he could relax.
Cha Yiseok sent Yaba up first with the yacht ladder.
As soon as he got on deck he sat down and coughed up water.
The cold sea water clung to his body, making his bones throb.
Cha Yiseok, who came after him, hugged Yaba and walked to the cabin, and immediately took off his wet clothes.

“D- Don’t!”

“If you don’t want to die of hypothermia, stay still.”

He didn’t want to be seen.
Forearms as big as thighs, layers of overlapping loins, there was no place that wasn’t covered in flesh.
Under the unrelenting grip, Yaba became stripped to his underwear.
The water-soaked bandages stretched out, exposing his knees.
He scanned Yaba’s wounded leg.
After scanning Yaba’s wounded leg, he disappeared somewhere, and when he returned, he was carrying a dry towel and loose clothes.

“There is no first aid.
After your clothes are roughly dry, go to the nearby hospital.”


Cha Yiseok wiped the water from Yaba’s body with a large towel.
Through the soft feel of the towel, his breath scattered across his skin.
In another sense, goosebumps arose.
He put on the shirt he brought.
After he covered his stomach, his heart calmed down.
The sea breeze clung to his body, making him sticky.
Yaba shuddered until his teeth chattered.

Cha Yiseok straightened his upper body and began to take off his shirt and pants.
His broad shoulders and long legs were vigorous.
Yaba wasn’t short himself either, but he felt much smaller next to him.
Water droplets dripped from Cha Yiseok’s hair and disappeared down his forehead and chest muscles.

“It’s dangerous if you look at me like that.”

Yaba averted his eyes.
Cha Yiseok wiped dry and put on some loose pants.
The loose-fitting outfit suited him better than the tight suit.
His gaze slid over Yaba’s bare leg.
His body trembled enough to make his bones chatter.
Yaba covered himself with the towel to hide his skin.
After staring at him for a long time, he picked up his jacket that had fallen to the floor.
He took an antidepressant out of his pocket and held it out in its case.
Yaba immediately took out several pills and gulped them down.
Cha Yiseok crossed his arms and stood crookedly.

“It’s the first time I’ve heard that I wanted to kill you.
Now that you’ve become a life saver, I’m qualified to hear the reason, right?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know? You can fool others, but you cannot fool me.”

He patiently waited for the next word.
Yaba gulped down a pill and fixed his gaze.

“You are the one who set fire to the dorm and sent out the thugs.
Because of you, all the assets I have accumulated have been burned.”

The poison was almost blown away.
The price of his balls and books were all gone.
His teeth trembled when he thought of the horrors of that day.
Wind leaked from Chaseok’s lips.

“You thought I did it.”

He stared at Yaba with his arms crossed.

“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t?”

“Would you believe me if I were you?”

Yaba straightened his chin and replied.
Cha Yiseok stretched out his long legs to close the distance.
Yaba became backed against the wall and was alert.

“Chairman Cha has been looking for Paradiso ever since you played as a fake healer.
He waited for the time when the guard was down and attacked.
It’s that old man’s specialty is to stab the other person in the back when they’re unguarded.”

“See? That’s exactly how you do it.”

Cha Yiseok laughed.

“The style is different.
Because if it were me, it wouldn’t have ended there.”

Yaba lowered his gaze and bit his lip.
If he knew he would be fooled by those eyes and smooth tongue, he would have misjudged.
However, it seemed to be true from him rescuing him from drowning a moment ago, but seeing that he was frantic to prevent him from going to Cha Myunghwan, it seemed not to be the case again.

He didn’t know.
Was he deceiving him or what.
At some point, it seemed that the eyes that let him see the truth had become dull.
He didn’t hate Cha Myunghwan who wanted his songs.
It was one thing to want to sing him a lullaby and another to not believe him.
Yaba asked in a soft voice.

“Really? You really didn’t do it?”

“I swear on the antidepressants.”

Cha Yiseok put his hand on the brown case that Yaba was holding and bent over.
He acted playfully, but his expression was serious.
Yaba frowned and let down his guard for the last time.
The smile evaporated and his eyes penetrated deep into Yaba’s.
He stretched out his hand.
As if to soothe a wounded animal, he wrapped Yaba’s hair around his fingers.
His hand slipped out of his hair.

He rummaged through his jacket and took out a cigarette.
Biting the tip of the filter, he tilted his head and lit it.
His upper body trembled at the refined motion.
Through the cigarette smoke, his eyes met.

“How’s the new medicine?”

“So so.”

“The answer is bothersome.”

He added.

“There is no need to be surprised by what lies ahead.
When you accept something new, you have to go through that much pain.”

“Why? What would I be surprised at?”

LIke if it hurts where it didn’t hurt, or you can see something you didn’t see.”

He said something incomprehensible and bit his cigarette.
Cigarette smoke caught on his sleek fingers like mist on the sea at dawn.
Yaba looked at the smoke as if possessed.

“Do you want to smoke?”

He asked.
Yaba replied.

“I’ve never smoked it, so I don’t know if I want to or not.”

Cha Yiseok looked at Yaba with curious eyes.
He took a sip of his cigarette and then he pulled Yaba by the back of his head and tilted his head towards him.

“Take in slowly and breathe out.”

At the same time, he pursed his lips and let the smoke flow into his mouth.
Yaba’s throat stung so much that tears welled up.
But he sucked it deeply into his lungs.
The smoke was gaseous, but at the same time it was like a sticky liquid.
Yaba passed it through the intestines and let all the smoke out.
Smoke floated all over his face.

Yaba parted his lips and his eyes asked for more.
The reflected light from the artificial beach seeped into his features.
He sucked the smoke up his cheek and let it flow into Yaba’s mouth.
This time his tongue was also with him.
Two lumps of tongue and pungent smoke intertwined.
He swallowed the smoke and scratched the roof of Yaba’s mouth.
He rubbed the center of his body to the rhythm.
A shriveled moan leaked out.


Yaba twisted his body to avoid the friction.
The two wet lips blew out alternately between them.
Cha Yiseok interlocked his fingers between Yaba’s fingers and lifted them over his head.
He uttered a language that was not elegant.

“Put your tongue down my throat and lick the roof of my mouth.
You like it too, don’t you?”

Heat rose to his face.


“If you scrape it hard with your tongue, it makes a wetter sound than sucking your penis.”


“You like it.”

He shamelessly opened his lips.
The drug supplier seemed rather nervous than the drug consumer.
Yaba just kept his mouth shut.
He sighed and parted his stubborn lips as he entered.
Sucking his tongue across, his chin trembled at the rhythm of the mixed flesh.
The lower body, which was pressing on the crotch, became erect enough to make him stop breathing.
The cigarette had already fallen to the floor, and lonesomely puffed out smoke.
The tongue, stronger than alcohol, scratched the roof of his mouth.

“Mm… Haah…”

It was such a clear moan that his words could not be denied.
He took in a heavy breath and inhaled.
The lower bodies, which were stubbornly facing each other, moved under a certain purpose.
It also modulated the regular rhythm.
His head was dizzy.
Cha Yiseok pulled down Yaba’s underwear and pulled down his pants himself.
The tip of his profusely erect penis rushed into the hole.
Yaba pushed him away and ran to the door.
The other person let out a cursed moan and lifted one of Yaba’s legs from behind.
His back was pulled so hard that it split his back.
A warm breath spread over his ear lobe, and something even hotter touched his back hole.

“Haa… Don’t sing like that again in front of Cha Myunghwan.”

Ferocious language flowed out.
The voice that flowed into the ear was a more lewd tool than the penis that was squeezed into the hole.
Blood flowed back to his face from the absurd pleasure.
A hand slipped inside Yaba’s shirt and groped his nipples making his back convulsed.
Cha Yiseok licked the scruff of Yaba’s neck hastily and pressed the tip of his penis into the hole.

Just at that moment when something hot was about to burrow inside, the sound of a phone vibrating rang somewhere.
He ignored it, but Yaba couldn’t do it.
It bothered him strangely.
And it was after a while, the sound of engines could be heard in the distance.

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