” (Sol)
“This one does not know much about it.
If milord asks Izu-dono, she might know.” (Shiki)
Up until now, I hadn’t thought much about other worlds.
But now that this situation had arisen, I felt that it would be best to know some information about other worlds.

“I’m begging you, Bouchi.
I don’t know anything about this world.
Naturally, I don’t have any knowledge of the land either.
Nor do I speak the language.
I need your help!” (Yofel)
Well… What should I do here…?

To be honest, I was intrigued by the existence of otherworlders.
I also liked fantasy stories and wanted to know more about elves and other races.
Not only that, I didn’t know if more beings like her would come to our world in the future.
There was also a possibility that a powerful skill user would appear and confront us one day.

If that happened, I wanted to be in a position where I could take advantage of the situation.

But I had no obligation to help Yofel, and there were no direct advantages to me doing so at the moment.
In that case, it might be better to check to make sure.

“…Sorry, but I don’t work for free.” (Bouchi)
“Eh…?” (Yofel)
“Give and take, Yofel.
In change for my assistance, what would you be able to offer me?” (Bouchi)
“That… I don’t have anything to offer you though…! But if you find my brother, I’ll do anything! If you want, you can even do whatever you want to this body of mine!” (Yofel)
“Hey, come on.
Don’t say anything rash now.
In the first place, I’m not interested in your body.” (Bouchi)
“….Ah, is that so? Despite that, I’ve been wanted by a lot of men, you know?” (Yofel)
“…Are you playing easy to get?” (Bouchi)
“H-How rude! I’m still a virgin lady!” (Yofel)
Ah, so they probably said they wanted her when they were trying to court her or something.
How misleading.
For a second there, I was almost put off by the fact that she might have been one of those loose types.

“…! Then how about this?!” (Yofel)
With that, she pulled something out from the bag she kept at her waist and showed it to me.
It was a stone that could fit in the palm of one’s hand.
But it was something that I had seen before.

“Could this be… a dungeon core fragment?” (Bouchi)
“Ooh, you know about it! Are there dungeons in this world, too?” (Yofel)
So it really was a [Dungeon Core Fragment].

“If you have this, does that mean you can clear dungeons, Yofel?” (Bouchi)
“Despite my appearances, I’m actually quite a competent person, even among the elves.
With my bow, I could even shoot a bee between the eyes.” (Yofel)
That meant she was strong enough to clear a dungeon.
Moreover, she was capable enough to destroy the Core and obtain the shards.
This was a big point where Familiars differed from regular beings.

Hold on a second.
If I make use of her, I can clear multiple dungeons at once.

The [Dungeon Core Fragments] could be sold for a high price.
Until now, only I could destroy the Dungeon Cores.
But with Yofel here, it could be possible to obtain even more Core Fragments than before.


But I can’t really trust humans….Huh? Wait, elves aren’t exactly humans in the first place, are they?

“….Yofel.” (Bouchi)
“What is it?” (Yofel)
“I can definitely help you.” (Bouchi)
“Y-Yes.” (Yofel)
“But unfortunately, due to my past, I’m not someone who can trust people.” (Bouchi)
“T-Then…?” (Yofel)
“Can you swear an oath to me that you will never betray me? If you do take this oath, you’ll work for me.
Ah, but don’t misunderstand.
All I want is your labor.
In return, I promise to help you find your little brother.” (Bouchi)
After hearing my words, Yofel looked at me as if she was trying to ascertain my true intentions.
Then, she took off the bow strapped to her body, dropped to one knee, and held it out in front of her.

“We elves will never renege on an oath.
I swear on my bow that I will never betray you.
So… please lend me your aid.” (Yofel)
These were just words and posturing.
There wasn’t the slightest shred of persuasive or compelling power here.
But she was an elf.
Not a human.
In other words, she was just like Sol and Shiki.

….It might be fine to see how it goes.
Are elves the same as human beings in the end, or will they really stick to their word through thick and thin?

Then do your best and work for me to your fullest extent.” (Bouchi)
And thus, I acquired a new companion, although I still didn’t fully trust her yet.

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