439 You just want to show off to your colleagues

“Then I’ll bring a few jars to the court tomorrow too.
I won’t be coming back for lunch,” the others chimed in.

Although this was a gift from their nephew, it didn’t prevent them from showing off.

“Didn’t you say that Youxiao was a prodigal before?” The old lady said unhappily.
“But now you’re going to take a can to the court?

“These are all gifts Youxiao, as a filial child, gave to her mother and I.
Don’t even think about taking them all.”

Then, she glared at Old Master Liang.

It was all his fault.
He really liked to show off recently.

The old master touched his nose after receiving that glare.

The old lady actually glared at him.

Didn’t she also go to her old friends to show off every time Youxiao showed filial piety?

He then glared at his sons and grandsons.

“All of you, stop it.
That is given to us by Youxiao to express his filial piety.
What has it got to do with you? Don’t always think about getting a share of it.”

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There were only two carts of canned food, how could it be enough for so many people?

The rest of the Liang family remained silent.

The old master really had the nerve to say such words.

They wondered who would bring a few cans to show off tomorrow.

Liang Mingcheng rubbed his nose.
“Father, my son gave that to me out of filial piety.”

Before the old master could say anything, Eldest Lady Liang glared at him.
“My son said that you didn’t have a share of it.”

It was their fault for throwing their son to the northern border to suffer.

She and the old lady were still heartbroken.

Liang Mingcheng was speechless.

That b * stard was too vengeful.
He would break his leg when he came back.

However, he still had to show off.
“I’m his father.
If he wants to be filial, of course I would get a share.”

The old master was also a little guilty.
After all, his grandson had said that he didn’t have a share.

When he saw the old lady looking at him with a half-smile, he coughed and said to his eldest son, “You can just take one with you, that’s good enough.”

He better not anger the old lady and his daughter-in-law who would otherwise not let them take a single can to the court.

Liang Mingcheng really wanted to ask, you are so old, why did you bring a few cans?

This was his biological father.

His biological father specialized in setting his son up.

When the others saw this, they could only calm down.

In their hearts, they were a little angry at their own sons.

Look, recently it was the eldest master’s dandy who had been in the limelight every time.

Why couldn’t their sons be filial to them and let them be in the limelight?

The Xi family also had such a show.

Xi Rui had invested in Liang Youxiao’s can workshop and sent a letter back to the capital.

Those in the other courtyards didn’t believe that the canned food could be kept for so long.

This was completely a prodigal behavior.

They were also waiting to see Xi Rui, this prodigal descendent, make a joke of himself.

However, after tasting the canned food today, their faces hurt.

At the same time, they wanted to get a share of the loot.

However, they were scolded by the old master and the old lady to stop thinking of doing so.

In the Xi family, Xi Rui was the old lady’s darling, and no one could alter his importance in her heart.

This was even worse than the Liang family.

Especially when the old lady had received a lot of letters from her grandson recently, her heart was extremely warm.

How could she let others take advantage of her precious grandson?

Because of this, she helped Xi Rui avoid trouble at home.

So were the old master and Xi Xinheng.

They were going to court tomorrow with canned food for lunch.

Thank you for reading on myboxnovel.com

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